What is Ash Gourd? Ash Gourd is a fruit native to parts of Southern Asia.
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The other names of Ash Gourd are Winter Melon, Wax Gourd, White Pumpkin, and Chinese Watermelon.
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The scientific name of the ash gourd is Benincasa hispida and belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae.
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The Hindi name of Ash Gourd is Petha. Petha the famous sweet dish is also made from Ash Gourd.
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The taste of Ash Gourd is similar to Cucumber.
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There are many health benefits if you drink Ash Gourd Juice Daily.
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Ash Gourd juice contains minerals like Calcium, Zinc, Iron, phosphorus, manganese and copper.
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Ash Gourd Juice helps in reducing weight. It is low in carbohydrates but has plenty of fiber content.
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Drinking Ash Gourd Juice daily can help in treating ulcers.
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Ash gourd loosens phlegm formation in the lungs and nose, which helps in better breathing.
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Ash gourd juice reduces toxicity, this helps in minimizing kidney weight, blood urea, and blood creatinine.
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