The Best Healthy Juice at home

Ingredients - Beet Root, Carrot, Indian Gooseberries (Amla), Ginger, and mint leaves

You can add 1 teaspoon of Sugar with a pinch of salt

Have the combination of this juice once every day

What are the benefits of this juice?

Beetroot helps lower blood pressure, improves exercise stamina, and maintains a healthy weight

Indian Gooseberries (amla) help fight against the Common cold and improve digestive processes

Carrot Helps healthy vision, improves skin health, improves immunity, and supports heart health

Ginger helps constipation and other causes of bloating and intestinal gas.  Ginger also acts as an antioxidant

Mint leaves improve brain function, improve bowel syndrome, and help relieve indigestion

Add all these ingredients in a mixture extract the juice and have it every day (avoid it having at night)